Friday, February 19, 2010
Become a Business Angel Benefit from Supporting a South African Entrepreneur
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“In the current economic climate, there has been a significant increase in demand from entrepreneurs with viable business plans, seeking access to alternative sources of investment,” said Ben Botes, who is co-founder at the South African Entrepreneurs and investors network.
It's crucial that we attract more business angels to nurture the innovative enterprises of tomorrow and to assist in maintaining the future competitiveness of South Africa's economy.”
Potential “business angels” and their key advisers will be invited to hear more about the importance of “angel investing” as well as the potential returns and tax breaks they can expect from such activities.
The event, on April, is being managed by Investors Network as part of a campaign coordinated by the South African Business Angels Association.
We are excited to be promoting this activity in Gauteng and hope that it will stimulate some interesting investment activity,” said Jody Friend, CEO of a local business support initiative.
Investors Network will soon be announcing the opening of a facility where entrepreneurs and business advisers can hold confidential meetings and take home a DVD of the entire proceedings to protect their intellectual property.
The organisation was created in support of the various business owners in South Africa who find it difficult to arrange funding for their ventures, specifically as banks today are much more risk averse as they may have been two or three years ago.
Angel investors have made a significant contribution to the amount of entrepreneurs launching their businesses in the last few years. And it’s not only the Business angels who benefit. "Entrepreneurs benefit in a big way, they not only gain the funding which they were obviously looking to acquire but crucially also get experience and business contacts as part of the package, something that every entrepreneur both needs and deserves during the start-up process especially"
Investors Network holds regular business networking events in all South Africa's main centres.

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter